I've been using Windows 7 Ultimate for a few years now with AuthenTec Protector Suite 2012 installed and a TrueMe fingerprint reading device.
The Protector Suite software allowed me to login to windows using a fingerprint and to use fingerprints to open password protected files as well as entering passwords into web screens. The software maintained a database, which allowed any entry of a password to be stored against a fingerprint.
Consequently, I've become used to simply swiping the fingerprint reader to enter all my passwords. Brilliant!
Along comes Windows 10 and I can't get Protector Suite 2012 to install. It gives the error "To use this product, Windows Biometric Framework must be enabled.". I can successfully setup Windows 10 Hello to use the fingerprint reader to login to Windows 10, but this is a small fraction of the potential of using fingerprints.
Anyone any idea on how to enable Windows Biometric Framework. By the way I've already tried using gpedit.msc to Enable "Allow the use of biometrics" but this doesn't appear to make the slightest bit of difference.
Alternatively, is there any Windows 10 compatible software out there that will do more than simply allow me to use my fingerprint reader to login. I would like to use it to enter passwords for protected files and web page inputs.
I performed a clean, fresh install of Windows 10 Pro alongside my existing Windows 7 Ultimate, so I can dual boot. Until I get ALL the functionality I currently have with Windows 7, I won't be switching to Windows 10 anytime soon.
Hi, I hope my experience can help you:
Lately I v got a Fujitsu LifeBook S935, with Validity Sensor, and few days ago' I decided to migrate from Windows 7 x64 to Windows 10 x64.
Done this, my validity Fingerprint Sensor was not recognized anymore.
With Win7 I was using UPEK Protector Suite WBF version (UPEK does exist in WBF version and in Common version, both x32 and x64) and a WBF Finger Sensor Driver.
I tried to do the same with Win10, but when I was trying installing UPEK Protector Suite WBF (Windows Biometric Framework) version, the install was stopping with the error "You do not have the Windows Biometric Framework" (the message was different but the meaning is that one).
Meanwhile neither UPEC Common version neither DigitalPersonal were recognising any driver (I tried a lot of them).
I understood with my configuration just a WBF driver was working, so that I found a receipt in order to go through.
I paste my receipt here below, do not make me too advanced questions, I am not an expert, I just found a way that I reckon can help all those are dealing with Windows 10 and a Validity Sensor:
Press the Windows + R key simultaneously to open 'Run'
On the Left side set as Automatic and Start the service
- Windows Biometric Service
Press the Windows + R key simultaneously to open 'Run'
On the Right side select Administrator Template/'Windows Components/Biometrics
On the Left side switch to Enable
- Allow the use of biometrics
- Allow users to log on using biometrics
Install Last version of Windows Biometric Driver for the sensor, in Fujitsu LifeBook S935 (to install is better you unpack the driver and then use “Let me peek from a list of drivers in my computer”, avoid the setup), the suitable driver seems “VS-FORCED-NTx64-WBF_0050_DRV-drp”
Copy biocpl.dll ( Biometrics Control Panel ) in WindowsSystem32 Folder, you can find it around or copy from a previous Windows 7 installation (x32 or x64 doesn’t matter: is a 32 bit dll)
Register it by Pressing the Windows + R key simultaneously to open 'Run'
Regsvr32 C:WindowsSystem32iocpl.dll
Install UPEK Protector Suite “UPEK Protector Suite WBF v. 64bit”
UPEK released the last versions of Protector Suite before stopping develop and support.
HP with Validity sensor
Clean installed Wn10 1607 (and most other builds) - no issues with the finger print reader (or any other issues really - maybe some cosmetic complaints or temporary issues that were resolved by an update or .... the next build)
You might try uninstalling the software and the device drivers for the fingerprint reader.
Cold start the machine and run Windows Update manually
Windows 8 and Windows 10 are very good at providing working drivers, not the latest, but they work (98% ot the time) and do not cause BSODs