
Taskbar network monitor problem

Hi, i have been using DU meter for a while now and have gotten very used to it. It puts a little Download/upload number in your windows taskbar like so:

When i upgraded to windows 10 i immediately installed it and have been using it for a few weeks successfully, but then the toolbar which shows the network activity disappeared and i cannot bring it back. I can right click the taskbar>Toolbars>DU Meter but nothing happens. I reinstalled du meter (which still works fine if i open it) but it didnt fix it. I have no idea what i did to break the toolbar. If someone knows how to bring it back please help. Thanks

I am having same issue here since update to 7.09 xD

So the taskbar meter appears when you manually run the program?

So the taskbar meter appears when you manually run the program?
No, nothing happens when I run app... It just refuses to show xD

No, nothing happens when I run app... It just refuses to show xD
The rest of the program works just fine, it goes into tray bar when i start it up, i can click its options, i can even open the window that shows network speeds, etc. It does everything else that Du meter is supposed to. Only the little toolbar refuses to open. No matter how many times i "right click on taskbar>toolbar>DU meter" the toolbar does not come up... I tried reinstalling du meter a couple of times, i tried messing with services even though they all work fine, i tried using the options inside DU meter to bring the toolbar back but nothing works. I figure one of the automatic updates broke it since it just stopped showing one day.

I have the same issue, and it happened when I upgraded DU Meter to 7.09. I noticed that the earlier version was working fine, but as soon as I upgraded, I can't see the toolbar and can't enable it either.

Issue solved !!!

Just e-mailed Devs of DU-Meter, and got following reply which fixed the issue...


Sorry you've experienced this problem. The fix for this issue is to install DU Meter 7.09 again. Do NOT uninstall, just install over the current files and that should take care of this issue. DU Meter's developer is aware of the problem and is working on a fix. He will release an updated version as soon as this is resolved.
All is great once again

Well installing over the current files didnt fix it for me. But i guess i will wait for the program update.

Taskbar network monitor problem