
Unknown device - no idea what it is

Hi all,

i just recently bought a gigabyte brix mini PC for casual use on our living room tv via eBay. Starting the long process of setup but so far one thing is bothering me. Under devices there is an unknown device PCI encryption/decryption controller and I have absolutely no idea what it is or how to get rid of. I let Windows search but it doesn't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas for what driver I need to try and track down?

cheers, Wayne

Here is a screenshot of the offending device. I tried googling some of that long text which looks like it maybe a device id of sorts but no joy.

Looks like this should be it,

Download Intel® Trusted Execution Engine Driver for Intel® NUC Kits NUC5PGY/NUC5[x]PY

Thank you very much!!! That's saved a few headaches. I will look into installing this later.

I don't really understand the purpose for the driver trusted execution and why the Gigabyte Brix mini pc has it - I thought it would be on the mini Intel NUC PCs.

In case you run into similar problems in the future, you can Google that PCI/VEN number and it should show you which device it is.

Thank you. Sorry if I'm being a little slow but from my screenshot what is the part of that long number/id I should of been googling, is it PCIVEN_0806 or the whole thing. I was trying to type the whole thing in and was getting no joy before

Thank you. Sorry if I'm being a little slow but from my screenshot what is the part of that long number/id I should of been googling, is it PCIVEN_0806 or the whole thing. I was trying to type the whole thing in and was getting no joy before
It's whole thing, every manufacturer has number like that registered for use as P&P (Plug and Play) or Plug and PRAY as it's sometimes refereed as when it doesn't work as it should.

Unfortunately I didn't get any joy. I downloaded the driver from that link but when I ran setup it says it's not supported on this platform. I tried downloading the Intel driver detect software but it didn't find anything other than slightly updated gpu drivers.

Back to the drawing board. I have emailed gigabyte support to see if they can shed light. Is there a way of just making the question mark entry under devices list just disappear if I don't get any joy. Whatever it is, not having drivers installed isn't adversely affecting the PC in anyway

And this was the useless no help response from gigabyte

"Thank you for your kindly mail and inquiry. From your description, it is possible you installed Windows 10 when set BIOS "OS Selection" as "Windows 7". Therefore, you will see this error in Device Manager. In this case, kindly set BIOS "OS Selection" as "Windows 7" and backup your data, then adjust "OS Selection" to "Windows 8.x/ Windows 10" and reinstall Windows 10. It should solve the problem you encountered."

why is it most tech companies at the slightest whiff of something unusual churns out the usual reinstall Windows response. After several day of setup, downloads, installation, tweaks I am not ready to flush that down the pan by reinstalling the OS (which was pre-installed anyway)

And this was the useless no help response from gigabyte

"Thank you for your kindly mail and inquiry. From your description, it is possible you installed Windows 10 when set BIOS "OS Selection" as "Windows 7". Therefore, you will see this error in Device Manager. In this case, kindly set BIOS "OS Selection" as "Windows 7" and backup your data, then adjust "OS Selection" to "Windows 8.x/ Windows 10" and reinstall Windows 10. It should solve the problem you encountered."

why is it most tech companies at the slightest whiff of something unusual churns out the usual reinstall Windows response. After several day of setup, downloads, installation, tweaks I am not ready to flush that down the pan by reinstalling the OS (which was pre-installed anyway)
I gave up on asking them anything, it's never their own fault and answers range from very generalized ones to not supporting for that platform.

Unknown device - no idea what it is