
Should Windows 10 be called Windows 10?

Should Windows 10 be called Windows 10 since it may be considered a service now?

Here our some names I thought of:

Windows services
Windows bing
Bing 10
Bing Services
Windows reimagined
Window reengineered
Microsoft Services
Windows messedup (I am joking on this name )

Feel free to share other names.

Windows 10 is just fine with me.

No 10 was used in 1979


Picky, Picky. . .

Picky, Picky. . .
Really,,, 10 works just fine.


There needs to be some way to differentiate time. Can you imagine what it'll be like in say 7-8 years time trying to find online training, technical or troubleshooting info if it's only known by one name forever (such as Windows 10).

With OSX the naming goes 10.1, 10.2, etc. so they could do the same. Or maybe use years instead, such as Windows 10.15 (2015), 10.16 (2016) for major rollup points.

Imparting significance to numbers and attempting to adhere to any self-imposed rules is failure waiting to happen.

Whatever has a nice ring to it works just fine. After all, it is just a marketing thing...

10 is just as good as "Applesauce", or "'57 Chevy", or anything else!

All is, of course, IMHO...

Hmm, I doubt that Wn10 can live up to the 57 Chevy!!

Or this sweet baby!

As for the topic in the OP, I think the name of the new OS is set in stone. There is practically zero chance of it changing before the RTM comes out later this year.

No 10 was used in 1979

as much as I like Microsoft ,they could never match that 10

Mine goes to 11

This is spinal tap

Should Windows 10 be called Windows 10?