
Conexant HD Audio Driver for Windows 10

Does anyone know where I can find a driver for Conexant HD Audio? Right now I am using a driver from Microsoft to play device sounds.

Help please!

Often the MS provided driver is perfectly adequate. If you are not experiencing problems I would leave it as it is.

I use Driver Easy Free to check for latest drivers. The latest one it found for mine card was this:

Download Conexant CX20751 SmartAudio HD Driver for Windows 10 64 bit

But it really depends on your type, the latest, but probably incompatible are here:

Download Conexant Sound Card drivers

Still you can try to install it using Have Disc (twice) and then Let Me Pick. I do not use this card, so I did not try.

Thanks for the replies. I got me a new computer and gave my old one to my brother. It has the Conexant HD Audio driver. My new one (Toshiba) has a Realtek Audio Driver. I am having to install the latest updates on the old one since my brother doesn't know how to. Should I install Windows 10 on it? Acer doesn't recommend it, since they didn't provide drivers for it for Windows 10.

It's worth trying to update it while it is still a free update, if it doesn't work you can always roll back.

Okay. Will do Phil! Thanks!

Hi Jesse Williams,

We know Conexant only provide audio chip to manufacturers, and they do not released audio drivers to the public on their website, they will send it to the manufacturers. So most times, you need to download the conexant hd audio drivers from the computer manufacturers download center.

If you have already installed Windows 10 system for your Acer laptop/desktop, for updating conexant audio drivers for your old Acer computer, you can enter device manager to help you, like the image TairikuOkamisaid. You can try to uninstall your conexant audio drivers first and then reinstall it.

If you want to upgrade your Acer system to Windows 10, it depends on your computer model, Acer released an article about models supports windows 10, you can view it from here. After upgrade to Windows 10, the computer will automatically install the audio drivers. So you can test your audio drivers after the windows 10 is fully installed. If the audio has no error, I think you finished your work.

Wish this explain can help you.

Hi Jesse Williams,

We know Conexant only provide audio chip to manufacturers, and they do not released audio drivers to the public on their website, they will send it to the manufacturers. So most times, you need to download the conexant hd audio drivers from the computer manufacturers download center.

If you have already installed Windows 10 system for your Acer laptop/desktop, for updating conexant audio drivers for your old Acer computer, you can enter device manager to help you, like the image TairikuOkamisaid. You can try to uninstall your conexant audio drivers first and then reinstall it.

If you want to upgrade your Acer system to Windows 10, it depends on your computer model, Acer released an article about models supports windows 10, you can view it from here. After upgrade to Windows 10, the computer will automatically install the audio drivers. So you can test your audio drivers after the windows 10 is fully installed. If the audio has no error, I think you finished your work.

Wish this explain can help you.
Thanks for the reply. The old computer is having problems checking for updates. I am trying to get it to install updates to get it ready for the Windows 10 upgrade. But it said the service registration is missing or corrupt. If someone can help me fix that issue, then I should be on my way to installing all of the updates and upgrading it to Windows 10. I have already reset the Windows Update components, and that didn't help.

Hi Jesse,

windowssh blog provides some tutorials about Windows 10 installation. And you can get it from here:

And in tutorials, you can find two articles: Windows 10 - Clean Install - Windows 10 blog
This is about windows 10 clean install. I think there are many ways to install the windows 10, so when the automatically upgrade function cannot be used, try another way such as this.

Another article is: Windows 10 - Upgrade Installation - Windows 10 blog
This is about how to upgrade to Windows 10, there are eight ways you can do this.

I have Windows 10 and no external mic. I can listen to the headset, but the microphone does not work. I have a Tip RIng Ring Sleeve jack. I just updated my Toshiba C55-C5241 laptop with the latest Conexant Audio Driver software.

Anyone know what to do?

Thanks in advance

Conexant HD Audio Driver for Windows 10