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Will Local Network be designated Public unless tied to Microsoft?
I have noticed something I think is a little strange. If you install one of the later builds from offline, or where a Microsoft account is not involved, it appears your Local Network will be designated as "Public" even though the correct IP address and Workgroup are being used.
After signing into a Microsoft account, the designation changed to "Private". If what I saw is correct, would that mean any system installed, with a Local Account only, would not have access to the rest of your LAN, but would have Internet Access only? In the future, a "Private" network will include everything on the Microsoft Domain?
Hello Clark,
No worries, you will still be able to change your network location in Windows 10.
Network Location - Set to Private or Public in Windows 10
I don't think your analysis is correct, Saltgrass.
I'm looking at my machine right now, and my network type is Public even though i'm signed into a Microsoft account.
I believe it has to do with the questions asked during signup. Did you use express settings? or custom? There are two questions in particular, one about automatically connecting to networks that your contacts are connected to, and another one that I turned off, which is likely what led to it being configured as a public network.
I think it may also depend on whether you're connected to a domain or homegroup as well. It seems like if you turn off the various settings, and are not connected to a domain or homegroup, then it assumes you must be a stand-alone computer and want a public network for security reasons.
I think the key install question or the setting that drives the Private or Public decision is:
Find devices and content
Thanks for the responses. I have been using the Express settings during the install. I will try that if I can get 10135 to work but the download seems to be broken. I did not see the question about "Who owns this computer" so it may be related to that.
Enabling Network Discovery, in this circumstance, has to be done in the Public section, so that setting may only relate to what you can see based on your Network Designation. The Network ID button on the Computer Name tab has always confused me. It does ask the question about who owns the system, but it seems to change the Workgroup name..
And Brink, changing to a Local or Microsoft account is no problem. I am just trying to ascertain if a system will be restricted to public if a Microsoft account is not associated.
Thanks again, maybe I can get a good download by tonight...
It doesn't matter if you use a local account or a Microsoft account. You just need to be an administrator to be able to.
You can set the network location of your PC to be a public or private type at anytime using either accounts. This will also set network discovery for you as well based on what type of network location you set.
Network Location - Set to Private or Public in Windows 10
Brink's tutorial led me to the "Find Devices and content" Slartybart had mentioned. I had seen that option before but had forgotten about it. I suppose turning on Network Discovery in the Advanced Sharing options makes no difference.
Thanks for the responses and 10135 is up and running. Looks more polished than even 10134.
It gets a bit confusing since what you select (private/public) for Network Location will also affect the Network Discovery setting, but turning on/off Network Discovery will not change the Network Location being public or private.
I suppose my point would be that "Find Devices and content" sounds a lot like it is describing Network Discovery... But maybe that is where my confusion comes in. It does say turn it on for Private Networks. It does not say turn it on to switch from Public to Private networks.
It seems they are moving system options into the Apps and that process is in constant flux as to where to go to find some things... Even some of the Apps put you back in the normal dialog windows for some settings.. I am not sure if that process will even be completed by the RTM date.
They are still adding some options, like "Let Microsoft Try Features" on the Update, Advanced Options page. The Wi-Fi Sense options to automatically join suggested Hot Spots is something folks who do that need to pay attention.
Yep, I agree. The "Find Devices and content" wording is exactly what makes it confusing since it's for private/public. It would be nice if it was made more clear to not confuse it as only "Network Discovery".