
Windows 10 popping sound in speakers

I just upgraded to Windows 10 a few days ago and ever since, I've been getting a random popping noise in my speakers. It's driving me mad! I have tried everything I can think of. I've updated my drivers and my Bios. (From HP site) I've uninstalled and reinstalled the audio (Realtek) driver. This problem never happened in Windows 8. Any help will be appreciated, I'm about to switch back to Windows 8.

Check your DPC latency with something like LatencyMonPress play and let it monitor for a few minutes, if the bars with the highest interrupt to process latency , dps and isr routines goes to red switch to Drivers tab, sort by Total Execution Time and see what you have there. The drivers with the highest execution time can be responsible for your sound popping issue.

I've solved the pops and crackles from Realtek chips, and others, by going to Control Panel Power Settings and setting 'Minimum processor state' to 100%.

Not ideal, but serves as a workaround until they release better drivers.

I've solved the pops and crackles from Realtek chips, and others, by going to Control Panel Power Settings and setting 'Minimum processor state' to 100%.

Not ideal, but serves as a workaround until they release better drivers.
I don't know who you are, where you're from, or how you figured out the solution to this problem. But, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This has been driving me crazy since I updated to windows 10 over the summer. I seriously just joined this forum to thank you. Take care.

I've solved the pops and crackles from Realtek chips, and others, by going to Control Panel Power Settings and setting 'Minimum processor state' to 100%.

Not ideal, but serves as a workaround until they release better drivers.
Nus, thank you so much for this solution. I've tried a ton of solutions and the crackling was driving me crazy: Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, games, basically any application with sound caused the crackling. The CPU setting did the trick. Could this be due to older processor models? Mine is a Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5 GHz. Like agentp, I just joined this forum to thank you. Cheers!

I've solved the pops and crackles from Realtek chips, and others, by going to Control Panel Power Settings and setting 'Minimum processor state' to 100%.

Not ideal, but serves as a workaround until they release better drivers.
You LEGEND! As with the other two, I joined just to say thanks. Anyone with a critical ear wondering what the HECK is causing those random pops and jumps, THIS IS THE ANSWER.

I've solved the pops and crackles from Realtek chips, and others, by going to Control Panel Power Settings and setting 'Minimum processor state' to 100%.

Not ideal, but serves as a workaround until they release better drivers.
Bump. This works! Must be that power-saving mode.

I had the same issue with my Sound blaster Z on Windows 8.1, had i only known your "Hot FIX then" it would have saved me some head ache, because i tried everything "except your Hot Fix" so any SB users out there with popping try try this i really would like to know if it had worked for my SBZ i threw the card out bought the SBZxR and never had the problem again but ill remember this one if it does "pop" back

I don't know who you are, where you're from, or how you figured out the solution to this problem. But, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This has been driving me crazy since I updated to windows 10 over the summer. I seriously just joined this forum to thank you. Take care.
Confirmed this solved the popping for me too, just upgraded about an hour ago. But does having the minimum set to 100% mean the PC will use more power/waste electricity?

I've solved the pops and crackles from Realtek chips, and others, by going to Control Panel Power Settings and setting 'Minimum processor state' to 100%.

Not ideal, but serves as a workaround until they release better drivers.

Windows 10 popping sound in speakers