
windows 10 10147 - Atheros Qualcom WiFi drops

i have question about 10147 release. does anyone else have WiFi drops? it happens like 5-10 times a day. usualy when i search for windows updates(maybe a coincidence?) or when i reboot the pc. then i troubleshooted a bit, i figured out that WLAN autoconfig service stops working. if i restart the service all starts to work again. how can i prevent those kinds of wifi drops? in the mean time, wifi button gets grayed out and the list is empty, like no wireless is in range (it figures .. since service is not running i guess). i checked the event viewer and saw that many services drops out from time to time including sound (realtek). any suggestions would be appreciated. got a clean install here.

Sorry, not a problem. . .hope you can fix it, or fine a situation. . .

Atheros does not have any windows 10 driver released yet. Try the windows 8 drivers, most probably that will work.

Which atheros Chipset you are using, by the way?

Yes, I've seen the same thing happen with Atheros wireless driver. The driver installed in 10147 is a 2006 version of the driver, 3.0 something. The 8 drivers are 10.0 something, big difference. I installed the 10.0 version in 10147, but had the same problems with drop-off. Finally uninstalled 10147 and went back to 10130 image. No issue with drop-off in previous Windows beta.

i have question about 10147 release. does anyone else have WiFi drops? it happens like 5-10 times a day. usualy when i search for windows updates(maybe a coincidence?) or when i reboot the pc. then i troubleshooted a bit, i figured out that WLAN autoconfig service stops working. if i restart the service all starts to work again. how can i prevent those kinds of wifi drops? in the mean time, wifi button gets grayed out and the list is empty, like no wireless is in range (it figures .. since service is not running i guess). i checked the event viewer and saw that many services drops out from time to time including sound (realtek). any suggestions would be appreciated. got a clean install here.
And now you know why Microsoft didn't release 10147 as an official build.

i have question about 10147 release. does anyone else have WiFi drops? it happens like 5-10 times a day. usualy when i search for windows updates(maybe a coincidence?) or when i reboot the pc. then i troubleshooted a bit, i figured out that WLAN autoconfig service stops working. if i restart the service all starts to work again. how can i prevent those kinds of wifi drops? in the mean time, wifi button gets grayed out and the list is empty, like no wireless is in range (it figures .. since service is not running i guess). i checked the event viewer and saw that many services drops out from time to time including sound (realtek). any suggestions would be appreciated. got a clean install here.
I got the same issue with you, I try many way and hope to fix that but still cannot find the way out :3. Maybe we must wait until the next build release !

well i found out today that broadcom has issue as well. just installed 10147 on lenovo and the same issue there. i guess it has smthing to do with 10147 build. with 10130 build there was no problems with wifi but there was problem at reset/power-off - got error almost every time and log shutdowns.

well i found out today that broadcom has issue as well. just installed 10147 on lenovo and the same issue there. i guess it has smthing to do with 10147 build. with 10130 build there was no problems with wifi but there was problem at reset/power-off - got error almost every time and log shutdowns.
Yup, the same with my Intel 6200 !

windows 10 10147 - Atheros Qualcom WiFi drops