
Saitek pro Flight Yoke + Windows 10


I just mounted a brand new computer. A nice rig, with the best a could find on the market. My intention is to primarily use this computer for flight simulation and training purposes.

I have the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, witch I have been using on my old computer running Windows XP for 6 years. But when I plugged into my new computer, it never recognizes it after the computer initialization, so I had I physically disconnect and reconnect it to the USB port. So I decided to go to saitek.com and download the latest yoke drivers.

After that, the problem got worse. The yoke are not recognizable anymore. When I tried to reinstall the drivers, It didn't work, since in the middle of the installation, it requires me to plug the yoke in the USB, but as it does not recognizes it, it does not let proceed with the installation.

I have tried several things to isolate the problem. I plugged the yoke in all other USB ports, 2.0 and 3.0 (witch works fine with other peripherals), tested back on my old pc (and it´s working fine there) and clean the registry and try to reinstall the driver again.

I'm almost sure it's something related to Windows, as during the computer initialization, the yoke lights turn on until Windows are up.

I don't know what else to do. Anyone has some insight?

Hi bachian,

Have you already found a solution to this problem?
I have the same problem as you.

I took the drastic measure of formating my computer. Now it's not perfect, but it's working. I'm back on state where I need to physically disconnect and reconnect it to the USB port every time the pc restart.

Thank you for your answer.
I think I'm going to take the same drastic step or go back to Windows 7.

It might be worth booting into Driver Verification Disabled mode when first inputting the yoke into the usb slot.

Hi bachian,

I have encountered exactly same incident as yours, and I noticed it might be caused by recent Windows 10 update (TH2) whichinitialized some device drivers, such as Saitek Pro Flight Yoke of ours.

So, what I did are as follows;
1. Run "Installer CD" which wasinitially bundled with Flight Yoke.
2. The above installer will also stuck atthe timing to plug the yoke into the USB port as you/we experienced, and thenpress "cancel" to quit the installer.
3. After above operation, the followingfolder has been created, in which driver files are extracted.
4. Open "device manager", andselect Flight Yoke which would be shown as "unknown device", andselect "renew driver" designating above folder, then PC can recognizeFlight Yoke, now.
5. Then, run "installer for Windows10" downloaded from Saitek official web site, and which will run properlyand terminate successfully.

Hope this will be some help for yoursolution.

Thanks Outermarker,
I was going round in circles with the the same issue with my flight yoke and your solution fixed things perfectly.
I feel a take off coming on.lol
Thanks again.

Hi Guys,

just installed fsx agin, but i got a problem with my drivers
my pc does not detect the saitek yoke and when i try to renw the saitek driver he says that it is for windows 95 and to low for windows 10
can someone help me?

Best Regards

Saitek pro Flight Yoke + Windows 10