
Wasn't able to RDP into windows 10 machine. Even with firewall off.

Hi Guys,

I was able to RDP into windows 10 when i first install last Wednesday with other machine of the same domain. And today, I wasn't able to RDP in to my Window 10. I got a error of (the remote connection has timed out. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.) Under the remote setting, I choose (Don't allow remote connections to this computer). I have a different error, so clearly my computer was able to communicate to windows 10 but wasn't able to connect.

I was able to RDP out to other machine using window 10, it just don't accept RDP from other computer. Anyone of you having this problem ?

Try rebooting your router and the computers? Are you trying to connect using computer names, or IP addresses? The computers on my network that I RDP into are assigned specific IP addresses by my router using DHCP reserved IP addresses. I use the IP address to connect, not the computer name.

I restarted my computer already. Is in my office network. But anyway, when I play around with the remote setting option. I have different error msg. So clearly It was able detect my computer from login in. Just somehow it could not successfully login. I use IP and computer name. Both doesn't work.

Last thursday I was still able to RDP in. Then today when I came back office after some update was done. I wasn't able to RDP in anymore.

Unfortunately, my RDP is working and has always worked, but it is on a home network that I have 100% control of. Sorry I couldn't help more.

I went searching around. There are people who encounter problem RDP into Windows 10. I just don't understand what wrong with mine. What other option do I need to take care of ?

I checked mine just now, all updates installed, I can RDP to my desktop that I use it on. I even just installed RDPWrapper which enables multi-user connection via RDP so the local account that my media server runs on remains logged in when I RDP in.

Are you on the same LAN or are you trying to come in through the internet? If you are trying to come in through the internet, do you have port forwarding setup on your router? Also, do you have UPNP enabled on your router? That should automatically set up port forwarding.

Thank you for your patience.

I installed Win 10 on my office computer last week. First 3 day, I was able to login as per normal from other window 7 & 8 computer. After the weekend when I'm back to Office. I can't login in anymore. Both computer are of the same domain. To be simple, I can use window 10 RDP to window 7 & 8 which is my other PC. But I can't use the window 7 & 8 computer login back to Window 10. Is like one way traffic only. I'm sure I did not do any setting on my computer before I went for my weekend.

Under the System Properties and Allow Remote Connections to this computer, have you tried unchecking the box below that for Network Level Authentication?

Wasn't able to RDP into windows 10 machine. Even with firewall off.