
Win 10 & FreeAgent Conpatibility

Ever since I installed Windows 10 my Seagate Free agent back-up drive doesn't work. When I try to back-up my computer the Seagate manager says there's no drive connected. When I look on the file explorer the Seagate drive shows. but the the Seagate manager still shows no drives connected.
Is this a compatibility issue with Windows 10, or am I missing something?
Thanks in advice for the advice,

I have the identical problem MNMary describes. Now that I see her post, I assume Seagate must catch-up, or perhaps it is another problem. I'm not finished looking around, but was glad to find it is nothing at my end that is the problem. Awaiting some brilliant reply - I'm just a user every year further behind.

It doesn't work on 10. After looking around I'm now using GFI Backup, which is free and so far so good GFI Backup - Download

Just upgraded to Windows 10 today. When the upgrade finished the Seagate drive manager icon in the system tray indicated that it could not find any drives. The FreeAgent drive does show up in file explorer. The FreeAgent is a 750GB ext drive. I plugged in a newer Seagate 5TB drive I just purchased, and in a few seconds drive manger found it, sort-of. It's listed as a drive but the capacity is not listed correctly, and the drive "name" and partition info appears to be written using an Asian font of some kind, e.g. Chinese. I tried downloading some files from the Seagate website but so far no luck. Perhaps Seagate needs to produce a Windows 10 compatible version of drive manager?

Just upgraded to Windows 10 today. When the upgrade finished the Seagate drive manager icon in the system tray indicated that it could not find any drives. The FreeAgent drive does show up in file explorer. The FreeAgent is a 750GB ext drive. I plugged in a newer Seagate 5TB drive I just purchased, and in a few seconds drive manger found it, sort-of. It's listed as a drive but the capacity is not listed correctly, and the drive "name" and partition info appears to be written using an Asian font of some kind, e.g. Chinese. I tried downloading some files from the Seagate website but so far no luck. Perhaps Seagate needs to produce a Windows 10 compatible version of drive manager?
They don't even make a version for Win 8 let along 10 . I was also having problems with it running on 7

Have exactly the same problem. Is Seagate offering any solution?

I've used Seagate FreeAgent Go on my Windows ME, XP and 7 without any problems. Now, with the purchase of a Windows 10 computer, since my W7 isn't working, the FreeAgent Go external drive can be read by W10, but the Seagate Manager will not recognize that the drive is connected. I would hate to have to use 2 separate drives for backing up computers, so if anyone has any suggestions as to why W10 and FreeAgent Go are not compatible, please share your fix.


I've used Seagate FreeAgent Go on my Windows ME, XP and 7 without any problems. Now, with the purchase of a Windows 10 computer, since my W7 isn't working, the FreeAgent Go external drive can be read by W10, but the Seagate Manager will not recognize that the drive is connected. I would hate to have to use 2 separate drives for backing up computers, so if anyone has any suggestions as to why W10 and FreeAgent Go are not compatible, please share your fix.


I'm now using GFI backup. It's free and does a good job. I found no fix to use FreeAgent with W10

Thank you, I will look into it.

Does GFI backup files in their original format or does it use its own? For example, older backup software used its own format (extensions) and without the software, you weren't able to read the files. With Seagate, files were transferred in their original format, which gave you the options to drag & drop back and forth as needed, even though the FreeAgent Go software didn't work in Win10.

Also, have you or anyone tried the Win10 FileHistory backup? I did and it transfers files in their original format, so that is another option.

Any additional input is appreciated.

Thank you!

Thank you, I will look into it.

Does GFI backup files in their original format or does it use its own? For example, older backup software used its own format (extensions) and without the software, you weren't able to read the files. With Seagate, files were transferred in their original format, which gave you the options to drag & drop back and forth as needed, even though the FreeAgent Go software didn't work in Win10.

Also, have you or anyone tried the Win10 FileHistory backup? I did and it transfers files in their original format, so that is another option.

Any additional input is appreciated.

Thank you!
Yes GFI does save in the original format. I did look a W10 backup by it doesn't give as many options as GFI for my liking.

Win 10 & FreeAgent Conpatibility