
Problem Solved


My friend came over this morning and fixed this for me. The problem was the (1) Laptop was logged into my Windows Live account and the (2) Desktops were logged into Local Accounts. For some reason, this now prevents my laptop from accessing the local network.

He switched my Windows Live loginon my (1) Laptop to a Windows Local loginaccount and it is now all back to normal.
Hello all,

I was posting in another thread hoping to get some help, but I think maybe my situation was confusing. So I'll start my own thread and see if this works better for all of us!

I upgraded my (3) PCs (one laptop and two desktops) a couple of weeks ago now when Win10 was released. All (3) PCs have been working fine. I have (1) Desktop I work from (1) Laptop I work from and (1) Desktop that I basically use as a file server.

The (1) Laptop and the (1) Desktop read and write from the "Q" drive that the (1) File Server shares. I keep my work files on that drive and all (3) PCs access them.

Up until yesterday, this has worked perfectly fine. I have been reading and writing to the "Q" drive from all (3) PCs running Win10.

Yesterday, I walked from my home office to my living room, turned on my Laptop to get some work done. It's been about 3 days since I've used my laptop (all was fine then) and now I can NOT access any network drives from my Laptop. I can see the other machines, but can not access them. I get errors that either it is not accessible or a log-on window that just keeps popping up like my username/password combo is incorrect. Symptoms exactly as described here:

I can:
  • Access my wireless printer from my Laptop - I can see the Memory Card slot and I can print just fine.
  • Access my Laptop from both Desktops (although one will only browse to the root shared folder on my laptop and the other will browse the root shared folder and the subfolders...).
  • See all the computers from my Laptop.

I've tried all the solutions I found online (Google searches galore!) and retried almost every one of them. I've shutdown ALL my devices, modem and router and restarted. I've also tried connecting the PC directly to the router (hardwired) instead of over WiFi, but no difference there.

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you.

this is sort of simla / same so i posting it hear hope it ok
thank you for posting the SOLUTION you found and i have bin trying to work out what is haponing

best i can tell is when you try to connet to 1 of your other computers it is sending the login details that you use for microsofe as i have a nas (qnap ts-410) and i whent in to it and adderd my email as a user and the pass i use to log in to macrosoft acc and now i can get in no problem but still thank you and i hope this might help some 1

and it now dosent ask me to log in so that why i think it sending login info automatic this

I had a similar issue some time ago after upgrading to windows 10, before I was using windows 8.1.

What worked for me was the following (my installation is dutch, so translation may not be entirely ok):
- Right click on the windows icon in the bottom left of your screen.
- Select System
- At computername, domain and workgroup, Click on Change settings:
- A new form appears named properties. if not selected, select the tab computername
- Click on network-id (in my screen there are two buttons).
- A new screen appears. Selects: This computer is a home computer, not part of a company network.
- click next.
- click finish
- Reboot your computer.

After rebooting I could connect to my shared discs.

I had a similar issue some time ago after upgrading to windows 10, before I was using windows 8.1.

What worked for me was the following (my installation is dutch, so translation may not be entirely ok):
- Right click on the windows icon in the bottom left of your screen.
- Select System
- At computername, domain and workgroup, Click on Change settings:
- A new form appears named properties. if not selected, select the tab computername
- Click on network-id (in my screen there are two buttons).
- A new screen appears. Selects: This computer is a home computer, not part of a company network.
- click next.
- click finish
- Reboot your computer.

After rebooting I could connect to my shared discs.
Kudos! This was way too far into the weeds for me. Given that Windows 10 has been running with no problems until this week, I suspect a recent update is the culprit. Essentially, I couldn't reach any device on this side of the router, with the exception of a TiVo N adapter and a DAP-1522 access point. Thanks for the help. Mike

Problem Solved