
WINDOWS 10 always asks for delete confirmation.

I have unchecked delete confirmation in the recycle bin properties, but whenever I delete a file or folder on a removable drive or a network drive, the delete confirmation pops up.

This does not happen on Windows 7 or 8.

I have to go turn that on after every install.as I consider it dangerous not to have the delete confirmation. I know this doesn't help you but it does show how different people and their needs are

You can also achieve the same setting through the Registry. Click Start and type regedit into the search box and hit Enter.

In Registry Editor navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies Explorer then right-click and create a new DWORD value.

Name it ConfirmFileDeleteand give it a value of “1”. You’ll need to log off and back on again for the setting to go into effect.

Again, these steps are not meant for beginners and unless you know what you’re doing there is no reason for you to try this. However, if you’re an experienced user and annoyed by the Delete confirmation box but want to make sure it stays enabled for others, these steps will help you out.

Above found here:

I have to go turn that on after every install.as I consider it dangerous not to have the delete confirmation. I know this doesn't help you but it does show how different people and their needs are

You can also achieve the same setting through the Registry. Click Start and type regedit into the search box and hit Enter.

In Registry Editor navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies Explorer then right-click and create a new DWORD value.

Name it ConfirmFileDeleteand give it a value of “1”. You’ll need to log off and back on again for the setting to go into effect.

Again, these steps are not meant for beginners and unless you know what you’re doing there is no reason for you to try this. However, if you’re an experienced user and annoyed by the Delete confirmation box but want to make sure it stays enabled for others, these steps will help you out.

Above found here:
Thanks Zt, I wasn't aware of that key.
Tried that, logged off /on
no difference.
I had already set this in gpedit.
Attachment 23638

If I use an alternate shell other than explorer, it doesn't happen. Another thing I've just noticed is it's dependant on user.
If I login as username@outlook.com it prompts.
If I use a local user (both are in administrators group) it doesn't prompt.

Gpedit would diddle with the same registry key most likely.

Sounds like a bug to me. Use Feedback and report it.

I just tried this on my 10162 build under OracleVB and it works correctly with a MSA account so it's not a prevalent problem.

Gpedit would diddle with the same registry key most likely.

Sounds like a bug to me. Use Feedback and report it.

I just tried this on my 10162 build under OracleVB and it works correctly with a MSA account so it's not a prevalent problem.
SOLVED, well at least fixed.
deleted ntuser.*
re-ran the welcome to windows 10, and all works as expected. I did also notice that the default.user was full of hibit characters.

WINDOWS 10 always asks for delete confirmation.